Business Documents

Well Thought-Out Agreements to Protect your Business

Good advice on business agreements requires not only legal expertise, but plenty of experience and common sense, coupled with your own input on the particular issues affecting your business type.

We provide all these things and we can assist you with most of the business documents you are likely to encounter regularly.

At the start of your business, you would be well-advised to put in place a proper Shareholders Agreement or Partnership Agreement before you begin. Usually we act for the company so we can take a neutral stance, but we can represent the interests of a majority or minority shareholder if required.

Most businesses need Terms of Trading, nowadays increasingly tailored for use on web-sites, and we are up-to-date on the latest developments in this field.

You may come across Computer or IT Contracts, whether you are writing software or just acquiring computer systems, and we find this to be a fertile source of over-spending and disputes if not properly documented.

You might want to appoint an Agent, to sign a Distribution Agreement or to join a Franchise network, and in any case, a review of the documents in advance may save you bigger headaches later.

Lastly most of our business clients come across the need to sign bank documents such as Guarantees and Debentures from time to time. Although not negotiable, a clear understanding of the risks in advance is important and in many cases, the bank will insist on you having this protection.

Our expertise in Contracts of Employment, Leases and Share / Asset Sale Agreements is addressed on other pages.

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