Employment Law

Employment Law Issues: Assisting Employer and Employee

From complicated service agreements to straightforward statements of terms and particulars, from lengthy handbooks and procedures to simple workplace policies, the beginning of an employment relationship will always call for legal help and guidance. Let’s face it – there’s no overlooking the amount of regulation that comes into play nowadays once the process of recruitment is concluded, and indeed even when it is under way.

As the relationship progresses, there will always be more tricky legal questions arising. How can an employer go about varying a contract or bringing in a new policy? What happens after a merger or a takeover when a new group of employees transfers over? Not forgetting the perennial issues of maternity leave, how to avoid discrimination and what to do about disciplinary and grievance matters.
Any employment relationship may come to an unexpected end. Experienced legal advice can help avoid many of the problems associated with the need to handle redundancies and to approach dismissals in a sensible way. Sometimes there may be no choice other than to stand your ground, but on other occasions a carefully negotiated settlement and Compromise Agreement may be a far better legal solution than having to face up to a tribunal claim, or a tricky dispute over soliciting a customer base or misusing confidential information.

And if a dispute becomes inevitable, we can help steer you through the tribunal process, all the way through to representation at a final hearing.

One point to bear in mind here. We are just as much able to assist employees as companies. In fact, our all round commercial experience is especially valuable when it comes to the particular issues that senior executives may need to face, and when employees of all ranks find themselves unexpectedly faced with a Compromise Agreement – sometimes it will be straightforward guidance through the unfamiliar terms of what is still a good deal, and sometimes a full process of negotiation.

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